CIE invites DBA students for exchange visit

The Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (CIE) of the University of Macau (UM) recently hosted an entrepreneurial exchange event on August 16th for the sixth batch of the Doctor of Business Administration Program (DBA). Under the warm reception of the Centre staff, the participants toured the National Co-working Space and Hap On Aromatherapy Exploration Hall.They engaged in in-depth discussions on topics such as the innovation and entrepreneurship environment in the Greater Bay Area, investment and financing strategies, and the prospects for industry development, with representatives from resident companies.

This year’s DBA students from various industries across the nation, including high-tech, finance and accounting, cultural tourism, medical and pharmaceuticals, catering management, and construction engineering, each a leader in their respective fields.The Centre also showcased products from outstanding incubated enterprises in fields such as traditional Chinese medicine and health, cultural creativity, and environmental protection. Furthermore, representatives from two exceptional incubating enterprises were present to share their entrepreneurial journeys and achievements, providing the students with a deeper understanding of UM’s progress in translating research into practical applications.

Following the visit of the fifth batch of DBA students on April 12th, the Faculty of Business Administration made another visit to the Centre, further deepening the exchange and cooperation between the two parties. This successful exchange meeting has established a communication bridge between the Centre and the Faculty of Business Administration, facilitating joint efforts in nurturing talents and promoting the transformation of research achievements into practical applications. Moving forward, the Centre will invite Doctor of Business Administration students specializing in relevant fields to join the National Co-working Space, serve as judges for resident projects, entrepreneurship mentors, and consultants, sharing their valuable business experiences. Moreover, these DBA students are encouraged to embark on their entrepreneurial journeys and become resident companies at the Centre, thus contributing to the development of innovation and entrepreneurship at the University of Macau.

The sixth batch of DBA students

Products of incubated companies

Dr.Grace Lu introduced  “The Exploration Journey of Innovation and Entrepreneurship at UM”

Representatives of outstanding incubated companies introduce their entrepreneurial journey and achievements

2024-08-26T11:14:20+08:0026 Aug 2024|