
Lucky Draw Alternate Result of “2023 Bank of China Trophy One Million Dollar Macau Regional Entrepreneurship Competition” Trade Show

The Trade Show of “2023 Bank

2023-08-21T17:27:04+08:0021 Aug 2023|

【賽事報名】「才聚江洲,創響未來」2023年揚中市高層次人才創新創業大賽暨中國 • 鎮江國際菁英創業大賽啟動報名(報名截止:2023年6月20日)(Chinese Only)

為深入實施創新驅動發展戰略, 強化揚中市高質量發展人才支撐

2023-07-13T16:16:01+08:0013 Jun 2023|

Lucky Draw Result of “2023 Bank of China Trophy One Million Dollar Macau Regional Entrepreneurship Competition” Trade Show

The Trade Show of “2023 Bank

2023-08-21T11:51:04+08:005 May 2023|

【活動報名】2023澳門青年創新創業大賽報名通道已開啟(活動截止日期:2023年05月22日)(Chinese Only)


2023-03-28T17:26:37+08:0028 Mar 2023|

Entrepreneurship Training Workshop & Mentor Meeting-Up of “2023 Bank of China Trophy – One Million Dollar Macao Regional Entrepreneurship Competition” Successfully Held

The Entrepreneurship Training

2023-03-17T16:22:27+08:0017 Mar 2023|

The online briefing session of “Bank of China Trophy – One Million Dollar Macau Regional Entrepreneurship Competition 2023” successfully held

The online briefing session o

2023-02-10T17:07:03+08:0013 Feb 2023|