Dr. Liu Hao, Data Scientist of Baidu Business Intelligence Lab, head of Baidu Intelligent Travel Core Algorithm, gave a special speech “Baidu Brain 3.0: The Evolution of Baidu AI” on the 15th of February in the Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship.
Dr. Liu first elaborated the different types of artificial intelligence technology that were invented by Baidu company, such as Baidu Language and Knowledge Technology, Baidu Voice Technology, Baidu Vision Technology and Baidu Deep Learning Model “PaddlePaddle” etc., and also the applications of these technologies. Then he mentioned that AI technologies can be divided into different layers and explained in detail about the function of each layer. He also introduced how the database of Baidu is applied widely in various industries and how AI marches toward commercial use from scientific research through giving examples of various Baidu APPs. Dr. Liu’s speech was imbued with inspirations, and the audiences were all immersed in it.
In the Q&A session, Dr. Liu indicated that AI helps the progress of substantial economy yet it is truly affecting the employment since some occupations may be completely replaced by artificial intelligence in the future. He also mentioned that Baidu is cooperating with several universities in the mainland and providing courses of AI to the students. He believed that AI will contribute to more different industries in the years to come.
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