Cyberport Greater Bay Area Young Entrepreneurship Programme
(Cyberport GBA YEP) Information Session

You are cordially invited to join us on November 15th for the Cyberport Greater Bay Area Young Entrepreneurship Programme (Cyberport GBA YEP) information session. In this session, we will give an overview of Cyberport and an introduction to the details about the exciting GBA YEP program. The details of the Entrepreneurship Bootcamp will be shared, you will also learn more about the eligibilities for joining the programme and the application procedures. Besides, you will have the opportunity to learn from previous award-winning project teams about their entrepreneurship journey and experience.
Date: 15 Nov 2021 (Monday)
Time: 4:00pm – 5:45pm
Language: Mandarin
Venue: Zoom Online & CIDE BILIBILI
Zoom link:
Zoom Meeting ID: 824 498 1888
Bilibili Live Streaming:
About Cyberport:
Cyberport is an innovative digital community with over 1,650 start-ups and technology companies. It is managed by Hong Kong Cyberport Management Company Limited, which is wholly owned by the Hong Kong SAR Government. With a vision to be the hub for digital technology thereby creating a new economic driver for Hong Kong, Cyberport is committed to nurturing a vibrant tech ecosystem by cultivating talent; promoting entrepreneurship among youth; supporting start-ups on their growth journey; fostering industry development by promoting collaboration with local and international partners; and integrating new and traditional economies by accelerating digital adoption in the public and private sectors. Cyberport is focused on facilitating the growth of major technology trends such as FinTech, smart living, digital entertainment/e-sports and cybersecurity, as well as the emerging technologies of artificial intelligence (AI), big data and blockchain, to foster the transformation of Hong Kong into a smart city. With a team of committed professionals providing all- rounded, value-added services, state-of-the-art facilities and smart workspaces to support our digital community, Cyberport is now the flagship for Hong Kong’s digital technology industry.
About Cyberport Greater Bay Area Young Entrepreneurship Programme
(Cyberport GBA YEP):
Supported by Cyberport Creative Micro Fund (“CCMF”), the Cyberport Greater Bay Area Young Entrepreneurship Programme (“GBA YEP”) brings young talents from Greater Bay Area together to develop digital tech innovations and growing path. A total of HK$1,000,000 grant* will be given to successful applicants over six months to develop their project. (*Each successful application will be granted HKD100,000)
Submission Deadline: December 6th, 2021 (Monday)
- Interested students please register at:
- Students are invited to apply on an individual basis and build a team during the challenge.
- Applicants must be individuals between the ages of 18 – 30 upon the application deadline of the Programme.
- Applicants from Hong Kong, Macau and Guangdong must be currently enrolled in or have graduated within 3 years from a registered post-secondary education institution in the above cities upon the Programme application deadline.
Agenda of the Information Session:
4:00pm | Attendees Registration |
4:05-4:15pm | Welcome Speech Prof. Gordon Lam, Co-Director, CIDE, CUHK-Shenzhen |
4:15-4:55pm | Introduction of the Cyberport Greater Bay Area Young Entrepreneurship Programme. Mr. Steve Lam, Manager, Entrepreneurship Team, Cyberport |
4:55-5:25pm | Start-up Sharing (*They are award-winning projects of the previous GBA YEP programme): 1. Mr. Long ZHANG, Founder, Belongto (Education Technology) 2. Ms. Xiaomin LI, Founder, S-Sports (Health Technology) |
5:25-5:45pm | Q&A Session |
Programme Co-Organizers:
Hong Kong Information Technology Joint Council; PKU-HKUST Shenzhen-Hong Kong Institution; The Shenzhen-Hong Kong Union for Promoting Science and Technology; Guangdong Software Industry Association; Macao Young Entrepreneur Incubation Centre and The Association for Promotion of Science and Technology of Macau.
Co-Promotion Partners:
Center for Innovation Design and Entrepreneurship, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen; GUNGHO Space; The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups; Hong Kong Productivity Council (HKPC); TusPark | TusStar.
Contact Us:
Email: or
Mobile: 184 2013 2047 or 0755-23518766