

During the incubation period, in any external connections and occasions, the team must clearly and actively make known to all parties and acknowledge such facts related to the status of the incubation company as “the company is now under incubation of the Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship of the University of Macau”, “the team members are professors, staff, students or alumni of the University of Macau”, “the University of Macau Development Foundation has provided the startup funding” and “the ownership of intellectual property”.

Such external connections and occasions include but are not limited to entrepreneurial competitions, roadshows, exhibitions, exchanges, collaboration/investment negotiations. Any violation once found and confirmed will lead to immediate termination of incubation and of startup funding, and the persons involved will be suspended from this incubation programme for two years.

    【賽事報名】2024年“青年金融創科培訓計劃”比賽現正開始報名(截止日期:2024年2月29日) Chinese Only

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