
“澳青敢闖 灣區來創” 深圳北站港澳青年創新創業中心政策宣講講座 暨港澳青年創新創業聯盟站點合作設立儀式(Only available in Chinese)

“澳青敢闖 灣區來創” 深圳北站港澳青年創新創業中心政策宣

2021-11-11T17:30:34+08:0011 Nov 2021|

Celebrating the 40th Anniversary of the University of Macau—創新創業交流分享-起航灣區 ‧ 揚帆創新創業之路 (Application deadline: 23/03/2021, 5pm)


2021-06-04T11:54:58+08:0018 Mar 2021|

Photo sharing: Innovation Network Seminar hosted by Sunwah Group was held in the Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship

On 31th October 2019, "Innova

2019-11-06T22:13:00+08:006 Nov 2019|

Innovation and Entrepreneurship Talk Series : “How can technology innovation drive the youth to start their businesses?”

Innovation and Entrepreneursh

2019-09-24T12:53:30+08:0023 Sep 2019|

“Economic Development of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area and Innovation platform of the University of Macau” Successfully Organized and Event Highlights

“Economic Development of Guan

2021-01-29T12:03:00+08:005 Sep 2019|