Innovation and Entrepreneurship Talk Series

Innovation and Entrepreneurship Talk Series2019-05-02T18:12:27+08:00

Lecture: Key Considerations in Early Druggability Evaluation of Chemical Drugs 【Speaker:Dr. Ming Li, CEO of ZSHK Laboratories Limited, 02 June 2023, N22-G002】

23 May 2023|

China Taxation and Foreign Investment Policy Introduction Seminar and Ceremony of Cooperation of UM and Huameng Lingjun Liu Guo Associated Tax Accountants (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. Successfully Held and Event Highlights

4 Mar 2022|

“澳青敢闖 灣區來創” 深圳北站港澳青年創新創業中心政策宣講講座 暨港澳青年創新創業聯盟站點合作設立儀式(Only available in Chinese)

11 Nov 2021|