Cutting-edge Applications of Blockchain – “From Informatization to Digitization – Blockchain Solutions” Successfully Organized

The Centre for Innovation of UM held a guest lecture entitled “From Informatization to Digitization – Blockchain Solutions” in the lecture hall of the Centre at 14:00 on Wednesday (September 26th).

The speaker –Dr. Deng Mu (CEO of Shenzhen Hui Zhi Technology Co., Ltd.), explained the future use of blockchain technology to teachers and students attending the presentation vividly, sharing his views on how to use blockchain to help build a smart city.

In the lecture, Dr. Deng Mu used the “elevator” story to introduce the theme of social development from “informatization to digitization”. He has classified the past 20 years as an “informatization” society, including content informatization, e-commerce and mobile socialization, and the core is to establish a credit platform with centralized traffic. When the credit platform expanded to the border, the traditional electronic information cycle ended, and “digitalization” appeared. The digital world includes information digitization, community commerce and digital assets. It uses the blockchain that can confirm the rights and traces the source as the medium of transmission, and deeply explores the value of information to help build a smart city.

Finally, Dr. Deng Mu proposed that the business model of the digital world is a closed-loop model of “product digitization – digital financialization – financial securitization – securities marketization – market productization – product digitization”, which has successfully arouse great interests and heated discussion among the teachers and students. Dr. Deng Mu patiently answered questions raised by the teachers and students and improved their understanding of the blockchain technology at the end of the lecture.

 Speaker –Dr. Deng Mu:

2018-09-28T18:42:23+08:0028 Sep 2018|