2023 Events

2023 Events2024-01-04T10:16:19+08:00

During the incubation period, in any external connections and occasions, the team must clearly and actively make known to all parties and acknowledge such facts related to the status of the incubation company as “the company is now under incubation of the Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship of the University of Macau”, “the team members are professors, staff, students or alumni of the University of Macau”, source of funding (if any), the ownership of intellectual property, etc.

Such external connections and occasions include but are not limited to entrepreneurial competitions, roadshows, exhibitions, exchanges, collaboration/investment negotiations. Any violation once found and confirmed will lead to immediate termination of incubation and of startup funding, and the persons involved will be suspended from this incubation programme for two years.

December 2023

November 2023

October 2023

September 2023

August 2023

【賽事報名】第三屆中國韶關大數據創新創業大賽現正接受報名!(報名截止日期:2023年9月15日) Chinese Only

23 Aug 2023|

【Lecture】The Entrepreneurial Scientist and the Scientist’s Critical Roles in the Commercialization (Speaker: Mr. Philip Mendes;2023/09/04 11:00 a.m.;N22-G002)

22 Aug 2023|

Lucky Draw Alternate Result of “2023 Bank of China Trophy One Million Dollar Macau Regional Entrepreneurship Competition” Trade Show

21 Aug 2023|

July 2023

June 2023

【賽事報名】第七届大鵬新區創新創業大賽現正接受報名(報名截止日期:2023年6月30日)(Chinese Only)

26 Jun 2023|

【賽事報名】「才聚江洲,創響未來」2023年揚中市高層次人才創新創業大賽暨中國 • 鎮江國際菁英創業大賽啟動報名(報名截止:2023年6月20日)(Chinese Only)

13 Jun 2023|

May 2023

【比賽報名】第七届“創客廣東”生物醫藥與健康中小企業創新創業大賽(高校賽道)(報名截止日期:2023年6月29日)(Chinese Only)

31 May 2023|

【活動報名】2023年港澳與內地高校師生交流計畫暨“雙創領航精英訓練營”啟動報名!(報名截止時間:2023年07月05日)(Chinese Only)

25 May 2023|

Lecture: Key Considerations in Early Druggability Evaluation of Chemical Drugs 【Speaker:Dr. Ming Li, CEO of ZSHK Laboratories Limited, 02 June 2023, N22-G002】

23 May 2023|

【活動報名】2023 年第 12 屆「贏在廣州」暨粵港澳大灣區大學生創業大賽港澳區初賽——開始報名(報名截止日期為 6 月 30 日)(Chinese Only)

19 May 2023|

【活動報名】“走,去深圳” 粵港澳大灣區創業就業政策宣講——澳門大學站(活動日期:2023年05月19日)(Chinese Only)

17 May 2023|

April 2023

【活動報名】2023澳門青年創新創業大賽-澳門大學專場宣講會現已接受報名!(報名截止日期:2023年4月28日,中午12:00)(Chinese Only)

24 Apr 2023|

March 2023

【活動報名】2023澳門青年創新創業大賽報名通道已開啟(活動截止日期:2023年05月22日)(Chinese Only)

28 Mar 2023|

【相片分享】澳大創新創業中心與澳門法律交流協進會、澳門直播協會及粵港澳大灣區(廣東)孵化基地進行三方交流(Chinese Only)

28 Mar 2023|

Entrepreneurship Training Workshop & Mentor Meeting-Up of “2023 Bank of China Trophy – One Million Dollar Macao Regional Entrepreneurship Competition” Successfully Held

17 Mar 2023|

February 2023

The online briefing session of “Bank of China Trophy – One Million Dollar Macau Regional Entrepreneurship Competition 2023” successfully held

13 Feb 2023|

January 2023

Online Briefing Session of “Bank of China Trophy One Million Dollar Macao Regional Entrepreneurship Competition” (Application Deadline: 2023/01/30)

16 Jan 2023|