

Teams that are recommended by the Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship of the University of Macau to participate in external entrepreneurial competitions or activities must clearly and actively make known to all parties and acknowledge such facts related to the status of the team as “the team is from the University of Macau”, “the team members are professors, staff, students or alumni of the University of Macau” and “the ownership of intellectual property”.

The team must send the relevant PPT to in advance, with the title “XXX competition (date)-XX team PPT”.

【活動報名】“智汇锡山•才聚新城”澳門大學專場交流會暨第七期無錫名企考察行活動(Chinese only)

24 Jun 2024|

Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship in collaboration with Wynn Macau hosted the “Macao SME Training Series – UM x Wynn Macau TCM & Big-Health Industry Study Tour” at UM

21 Jun 2024|

【賽事報名】“創無止境,新有靈錫” 2024中國無錫 “太湖杯 ”國際精英創新創業大賽報名啦!(截止日期:2024年6月30日)

29 May 2024|

【創業分享】彙聚灣區英才 共創美好未來——粵港澳青年創新創業分享會正接受報名(2024/04/24 14:30; N1-1004)Chinese Only

19 Apr 2024|

【賽事報名】2024年“青年金融創科培訓計劃”比賽現正開始報名(截止日期:2024年2月29日) Chinese Only

5 Mar 2024|

“澳青敢闖 灣區來創” 深圳北站港澳青年創新創業中心政策宣講及港澳青年創業稅務資訊講座(2024年3月1日;N1-1005) Chinese Only

27 Feb 2024|

【賽事報名】第四屆「海聚英才」全球創新創業競賽開啟線上全球招募(截止日期:2024年2月29日) Chinese Only

24 Jan 2024|

Lucky Draw Alternate Result of “2023 Bank of China Trophy One Million Dollar Macau Regional Entrepreneurship Competition” Trade Show

21 Aug 2023|

【賽事報名】「創青春」粵港澳大灣區青年創新創業大賽現正接受報名!(報名截止日期:2023年7月26日) (Chinese Only)

18 Jul 2023|

報名ing!「第一屆粵港澳大灣區博士博士後創新創業大賽」報名通道已開啟(報名截止日期:2022年10月31日)(Chinese Only)

26 Sep 2022|

【賽事報名】“2022·第八屆珠海市大學生創業大賽暨第三屆珠澳大學生創業大賽”報名通道已開啟(報名截止日期:2022年10月23日)(Chinese Only)

22 Sep 2022|

2021年”鎮江高新區杯”創新創業大賽澳門分站暨中國‧鎮江國際菁英創業大賽選拔賽成功於澳門大學舉辦 (only available in Chinese)

22 Jul 2021|

2021年”創客廣東”後疫情時代與大健康中小企業創新創業大賽 (報名截止: 2021年7月25日) (only available in Chinese)

22 Jul 2021|

[External Activity]2021年第10屆「贏在廣州」暨粵港澳大灣區大學生創業比賽港澳區初賽 (Application deadline:31/07/2021) (only available in Chinese)

17 Jul 2021|

Lucky Draw Result of Trade Show of “2020 Bank of China Trophy One Million Dollar Macau Regional Entrepreneurship Competition”(Supplementary)

6 Aug 2020|

“Economic Development of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area and Innovation platform of the University of Macau” Successfully Organized and Event Highlights

5 Sep 2019|

Entrepreneurship Activity】In Celebration of the 70th Anniversary of the People’s Republic of China and the 20th Anniversary of the Macao SAR: “Dare to Dream” Greater Bay Area Study Programme

2 Aug 2019|